Monday, April 27, 2009

Ty is now riding without training wheels. It definitely runs in the Johnson Family. Ty's a natural. He has had a couple wrecks but always gets back on. He's even caught air several times. He loves riding with his cousins. We go out to the track several times a week. Ty can't wait to ride again.

They even got me out there. I don't go very fast but it's pretty fun.

Ali's hair has grown in the back but not much on top. She's got a little mullet. She will keep a french roll in or piggies but anything else she pulls out.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Spring 2009

Ty has started his first year at T-ball. He's slowly getting to know the rules. They all go after the ball no matter if it's hit to them or not. They then dogpile and fight to get it. Most of them know they need to throw it to first but it's way more important to be the one who gets the ball. It's hilarious to watch. Ty enjoys this a lot more than he did soccor. Motorcycle riding is still #1 though. He and Casey have been riding almost daily down the road at a track Casey made. Matt and Justin come and ride too. It's fun to watch.

Tyler is so proud to be a T-baller. He had to wear his uniform to school and to his friend's birthday.

Easter was fun. We had way to much food and a load of candy. Ali wouldn't let go of her easter basket. She thought it was pretty cool. Once she found her first candy though she was done with hunting. She was ready to eat.